HYDRO valves for hydroelectric power plant in Romania
In May this year, the ARMATURY Group started the production of two DN 2000 butterfly valves for its major partner CINK Hydro – Energy.

These single eccentricity butterfly valves, type L32.61 DN2000 PN6 134 AG, were manufactured including integrated assembling insert M20.21 and equipped with AUMA electric actuator with supply voltage 3x230V.
It took five months to produce the entire assembly of these huge butterfly valves and assembling inserts. The shipment took place in October and the goods went on trucks to the Romanian power plant.
The valve itself weighs more than 6.5 tonnes and will become part of a crossflow turbine at a small hydroelectric power plant in the Romanian town of Fillipesti. The capacity of this hydroelectric power plant is 2 MV. We at ARMATURY Group are always extremely pleased to be involved in any kind of renewable energy and we hope that similar orders will only increase in the future.
For more information:
Kateřina Hartošová, project manager | Power